New York
Kathy Hochul (Democrat)
House Party
Democratic Supermajority
Senate Party
Democratic Majority
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Progress by Policy Area
- Enacted Enacted policies have been passed or established in a state by a governing body via legislation, executive orders, rules, regulations, and/or other program creation, and remain in effect.
- In-progress In progress policies have been established in a state, but final regulations, rules, or plans are pending final approval. This also includes legislation and executive orders that require regulations to be put into effect.
- Partially Enacted Partially enacted policies have been enacted in the state, but are missing one or more policy components. Dashboard policies cannot be considered partially enacted unless policy components are available.
- Not Enacted Not enacted policies have not been passed or established in the state or are no longer in effect.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Projections in New York
Climate Policies in New York
Status | Policy | Policy Area | Policy Category | YR Enacted | |
Enacted |
Empty column
40% by 2030 | 85% by 2050 | net-zero by 2050 Relative to 1990 levels Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Climate Governance | 2019 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Climate Action Council Scoping Plan Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Climate Governance | 2022 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The 1990-2021 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory was published in December 2023. Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Climate Governance | 2023 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Climate bureaucracy consists of dedicated climate offices and staff, interagency working groups, task forces, and other bodies made up of government staff. These bodies are often responsible for writing a state's climate plan and implementing the policies and strategies identified to meet its climate targets. |
Climate Governance and Equity
Climate Governance | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
NY Climate Action Council Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Climate Governance | 2019 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
"Disadvantaged communities" are the 35% highest scoring census tracts based on 45 indicators related to environmental burdens, climate change risks, population characteristics, and health vulnerabilities, as well as all tracts containing federally designated reservations or State-recognized Nation-owned land. Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | 2019 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Disadvantaged Communities Map Maps & GIS Tools for Environmental Justice Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
At least 35%, with a goal of 40%, of clean energy and energy efficiency investments must benefit Disadvantaged Communities. Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | 2019 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
NY DEC – Office of Environmental Justice Environmental Justice Interagency Coordinating Council Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | 2019 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Environmental Justice Advisory Group Climate Justice Working Group Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | 2019 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Requires an analysis of cumulative impacts on disadvantaged communities before a permit is approved or renewed, through an amendment to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | 2022 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Just transition plans are documents that outline policies and recommendations aimed at supporting communities, workers, and industries affected by the transition away from fossil fuels. The plans often focus on workforce development and retraining, job creation, and economic diversification. |
Climate Governance and Equity
Just Transition | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
Office of Just Energy Transition (OJET) Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Just Transition | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
Just Transition Working Group Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Just Transition | 2019 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Just transition funds support initiatives and investments aimed at facilitating the equitable transition of workers and communities affected by shifts in industries or policies that transition from fossil fuels. |
Climate Governance and Equity
Just Transition | ||
Enacted |
Climate Finance | 2013 | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) covers the electricity sector. The state is also developing an economywide cap-and-invest program, with draft rules expected in 2025 and implementation beginning in 2026. Establishing Policies
Carbon Valuation | 2005 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) are required establish a social cost of carbon for use by state agencies. Establishing Policies
Carbon Valuation | 2019 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
70% renewable electricity by 2030 | 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040 Establishing Policies
Energy Plans and Targets | 2019 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Electricity greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets are set by a state to limit GHG emissions in the electricity sector. These targets aim to reduce emissions by different amounts over time, often expressed as percentage relative to a baseline year. |
Energy Plans and Targets | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
10-Point Action Plan to Expand a Thriving Large-Scale Renewable Industry Establishing Policies
Energy Plans and Targets | 2023 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
The State Policy Opportunity Tracker (SPOT) breaks clean energy policies down into “components”, which are binary questions to evaluate policy quality. Higher quality policies have more of their SPOT components fulfilled. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Clean Energy Generation | ||
Partially Enacted |
Empty column
The State Policy Opportunity Tracker (SPOT) breaks clean energy policies down into “components”, which are binary questions to evaluate policy quality. Higher quality policies have more of their SPOT components fulfilled. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Clean Energy Generation | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
The State Policy Opportunity Tracker (SPOT) breaks clean energy policies down into “components”, which are binary questions to evaluate policy quality. Higher quality policies have more of their SPOT components fulfilled. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Clean Energy Generation | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
New York has an active community choice aggregation program. Establishing Policies
Clean Energy Generation | 2014 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
1,500 megawatts (MW) of energy storage by 2025 and 6,000 MW by 2030 Establishing Policies
Transmission, Distribution, and Energy Storage | 2024 | |
Enacted |
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New York received a B grade from Freeing the Grid. Establishing Policies
Transmission, Distribution, and Energy Storage | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Requires 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040, effectively eliminating coal from its electricity portfolio. Establishing Policies
Coal Retirement | 2019 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Coal securitization is a financing tool that allows utility companies to refinance debt they issued to build coal plants and close the facilities early without taking a financial hit or passing costs on to ratepayers. |
Coal Retirement | ||
Enacted |
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The statewide energy code for residential construction is 2018 IECC with amendments. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Codes | 2020 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The statewide energy code for commercial building construction is 2018 IECC and ASHRAE 90.1-2016. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Codes | 2018 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The NYStretch Energy Code: 2020 is a voluntary locally adopted stretch energy code that offers municipalities a more energy-efficient alternative to the minimum state energy code. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Codes | 2020 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The Appliance and Equipment Efficiency Standards apply to 21 products. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Standards | 2022 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Building performance standards establish energy and/or greenhouse gas performance targets for existing buildings in a state. These targets increase in stringency over time, leading to efficiency improvements in buildings to conserve energy and reduce emissions. |
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Standards | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Clean heat standards establish a performance standard requiring heat providers to deliver a gradually-increasing percentage of low-emission heating services to customers. |
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Standards | ||
Enacted |
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Electric utilities are required to achieve energy savings equivalent to 3% of electricity sales by 2025. Gas utilities are required to achieve energy savings equivalent to 1.3% of natural gas sales by 2025. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Efficiency | 2018 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
New York has enacted commercial PACE-enabling legislation and has active programs. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Efficiency | 2009 | |
Partially Enacted |
Empty column
The State Policy Opportunity Tracker (SPOT) breaks clean energy policies down into “components”, which are binary questions to evaluate policy quality. Higher quality policies have more of their SPOT components fulfilled. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Efficiency | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
Requires all-electric heating and cooking in new buildings under 7 stories by 2026, and in 2029 for all new buildings Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Electrification | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
New York LEV Program Establishing Policies
Light-Duty Vehicles | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Model Year (MY) 2027: 43% of new passenger vehicle sales are ZEVs | MY 2030: 68% of new sales are ZEVs | MY 2035: 100% of new sales are ZEVs, with up to 20% being hybrid or hydrogen-powered vehicles. Establishing Policies
Light-Duty Vehicles | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The Drive Clean Rebate program offers rebates up to $2,000 for new plug-in hybrid or battery EVs. Establishing Policies
Light-Duty Vehicles | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
The Low NOx Omnibus Rule applies to Model Year 2026 onwards. Establishing Policies
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles | 2022 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
By 2035: 55% of Class 2b-3 truck sales are zero-emissions | 75% of Class 4-8 straight truck sales are zero-emissions | 40% of Class 7-8 tractor sales are zero-emissions. Establishing Policies
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles | 2021 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) electric vehicle rebates consist of programs and policies that offer rebates to make MHD electric vehicles more affordable to increase their adoption in a state. |
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
100% of the state's passenger vehicle fleet are ZEVs by 2035, and 100% of the state's medium- and heavy-duty vehicle fleet are ZEVs by 2040 Establishing Policies
Lead by Example | 2022 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
100% of new school bus purchases are zero-emission by 2027 | 100% of buses in operation are zero-emission by 2035 Establishing Policies
Lead by Example | 2022 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure requirements establish mandates for the installation of EV charging infrastructure in new construction or developments, such as residential or commercial buildings, and public parking lots. |
EV Charging Infrastructure | ||
Enacted |
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The Charge Ready NY program offers rebates for the installation of networked Level 2 EV charging stations, up to $4,000 per port at public facilities in Disadvantaged Communities (DACs), and $2,000 per port for workplaces and multi-unit dwellings, with an additional $500 if in a DAC. Establishing Policies
EV Charging Infrastructure | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Electric vehicle (EV) and EV charging infrastructure plans are documents that provide a framework to guide the development, coordination, and adoption of EVs and EV charging infrastructure. |
Transportation Plans and Targets | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Transportation greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets are set by a state to limit emissions in the transportation sector. These targets aim to reduce emissions by specific amounts over time, often expressed as a percentage reduction from a baseline year. |
Transportation Plans and Targets | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
A low carbon fuel standard (LCFS) is a market-based mechanism to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuels and account for the fuel's life cycle greenhouse gas emissions. |
Transportation Plans and Targets | ||
Partially Enacted |
Empty column
New York is ranked 15th out of 50 in the 2024 Bicycle Friendly State rankings by the League of American Bicyclists. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Public and Active Transportation | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
The Office of General Services established guidelines for the procurement of low embodied carbon concrete and requires the state to set an emissions standard for concrete used in public works. Establishing Policies
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
Industrial Decarbonization | 2021 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The state prohibits certain HFCs in specific stationary refrigeration and air-conditioning end-uses. The regulations were updated in 2024 to use a 20-year global warming potential (GWP) value, rather than the 100-year GWP, and target supermarket systems, ice rinks, air conditioners, and heat pump chillers, with phaseout dates for equipment between 2026 and 2034, depending on how heavily polluting the system is. Establishing Policies
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
F-gas Regulations | 2024 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The state established a phase-out schedule for SF6 gas-insulating equipment (GIE) and sets emissions limits for GIE owners. GIE owners with annual GIE emissions exceeding 7,500 metric tons CO2e must submit an annual GIE emissions report, which includes information related to their GIE inventory and emissions limit calculation requirements. Establishing Policies
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
F-gas Regulations | 2024 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Oil and gas methane regulations include phasedown commitments, reporting requirements, leak detection and repair, or other measures that reduce methane emissions from oil and gas production. |
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
Oil and Gas Regulations | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
Hydraulic fracking and the use of carbon dioxide for the exploration and production of natural gas and oil is banned. Establishing Policies
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
Oil and Gas Regulations | 2015 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Landfill methane regulations include rulemakings, emissions monitoring, emissions control, or other measures that reduce methane emissions from decaying organic waste in landfills. |
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
Waste Management | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
Food waste ban – The state requires food scraps generators to donate excess edible food for human consumption and shall dispose of remaining food scraps at an organic recycler, provided they generate at least 2 tons of food scraps per week and are within 25 miles of an organics recycler. Establishing Policies
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
Waste Management | 2019 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The Climate Resilient Farming Program provides competitive grant funding to support farmers with agricultural waste storage, methane reduction, on-farm water management, and soil health. New York Soil Health Program provides grants to support projects, activities, and travel related to soil health within New York State. Establishing Policies
Natural and Working Lands
Agriculture | 2021 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Agriculture technical assistance programs provide state-driven technical assistance, apprenticeship and mentorship programs, and support securing additional funding for farmers to increase uptake of soil health practices. |
Natural and Working Lands
Agriculture |