Natural and Working Lands
Natural and working lands refers to areas that make up the natural environment, such as forests, wetlands, farmland, and urban green spaces. Natural and working land management plays a role in climate mitigation by sequestering carbon into vegetation and soils. Policies targeting this sector promote sustainable land management and agricultural practices, encourage reforestation and conservation, and increase biodiversity and ecosystem resilience to help mitigate the effects of climate change.
Key Resources
- Agriculture and Climate Change: Policy Imperatives and Opportunities to Help Producers Meet the Challenge
- Natural and Working Lands and Climate Action: A State Guide to Enhance the Sector’s Contribution to State and National Climate Goals
- Developing a State-Level Natural and Working Lands Climate Action Plan

Policy | Policy Category | Components | Enacted | |
Agriculture financial incentives support healthy soils and regenerative agriculture. Incentives may include reduced crop insurance premiums, property tax exemptions, grants, or cost-share programs. |
Agriculture | 0 components | 23 states | |
Agriculture technical assistance programs provide state-driven technical assistance, apprenticeship and mentorship programs, and support securing additional funding for farmers to increase uptake of soil health practices. |
Agriculture | 0 components | 15 states |