Industry, Materials, and Waste Management

Industry, Materials, and Waste Management

Industry, materials, and waste management policies reduce emissions from the “materials economy,” or all activities related to the manufacturing, processing, production, use, and disposal of goods. This includes a wide variety of industrial activities that tend to be emissions-intensive, such as manufacturing, construction, mining, oil and gas production, and cement production. Policies in this sector reduce fossil fuel extraction, production, and combustion; short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) emissions; and energy consumption across the life cycle of products in the materials economy.

Industrial fossil fuel processing plant


Industry, Materials, and Waste Management Policies
Across 4 categories
Policy Policy Category Components Enacted

Buy clean requirements mandate or incentivize the use of low-carbon construction materials, such as concrete and steel, in public projects to address embodied carbon.

Industrial Decarbonization 0 components 6 states

Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) regulations include phasedown commitments, rulemakings, disclosure requirements, bans, or other measures that reduce HFC usage and emissions.

F-gas Regulations 0 components 12 states

Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) regulations include phasedown commitments, reporting requirements, bans, or other measures that reduce SF6 usage and emissions.

F-gas Regulations 0 components 5 states

Oil and gas methane regulations include phasedown commitments, reporting requirements, leak detection and repair, or other measures that reduce methane emissions from oil and gas production.

Oil and Gas Regulations 0 components 7 states

Fracking bans prohibit the practice of hydraulic fracking for the production of oil and/or natural gas by a certain year. Legislation often requires an environmental agency or department to promulgate regulations.

Oil and Gas Regulations 0 components 6 states

Landfill methane regulations include rulemakings, emissions monitoring, emissions control, or other measures that reduce methane emissions from decaying organic waste in landfills.

Waste Management 0 components 4 states

Food waste bans and targets include policies that prohibit certain entities that generate specified amounts of food waste (typically commercial businesses and larger institutions) from sending this waste to landfills. Targets aim to reduce total food waste by a certain percentage each target year.

Waste Management 0 components 10 states

The State Climate Policy Dashboard tracks only passed policies and does not include bills currently proposed in legislative sessions. The website is intended to illustrate the current status of policies for each state, as well as key resources and model states for each policy.

Much of the information contained in this database is derived from the public domain, with links to resources provided. The information provided is made available solely for general information purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Click here for full Terms of Use.

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