

Electricity policies reduce emissions produced by the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. Emissions in this sector are largely derived from the combustion of fossil fuels — such as coal, oil, and natural gas — to produce electricity. Electricity policies increase the deployment of clean and renewable electricity, reduce fossil fuel-based electricity production, and modernize transmission and distribution systems in order to support a zero-emissions grid.

Transmission towers are seen in the background of a solar panel installment


Electricity Policies
Across 4 categories
Policy Policy Category Components Enacted

Clean energy standards and renewable portfolio standards set a target for a specific amount of clean or renewable electricity the state must generate by a certain year, often with incremental targets over time.

Energy Plans and Targets 0 components 36 states

Electricity greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets are set by a state to limit GHG emissions in the electricity sector. These targets aim to reduce emissions by different amounts over time, often expressed as percentage relative to a baseline year.

Energy Plans and Targets 0 components 6 states

Clean energy plans are documents that outline the policies and strategies states can implement to meet clean energy targets. Draft plans are often published first, and after a period of public comments and revisions, a final plan is released.

Energy Plans and Targets 0 components 11 states

Distributed generation/solar carve-outs require that a certain percentage of electricity generation used to meet a state's renewable portfolio standard (RPS) comes from distributed generation or small-scale solar.

This policy is only considered enacted if a state fulfills all components of that policy.
Clean Energy Generation 5 components 9 states

Net metering allows a customer to be credited for selling energy they generate back to the utility company and establish rules for the transactions.

This policy is only considered enacted if a state fulfills all components of that policy.
Clean Energy Generation 11 components 0 states

Shared renewables policies allow for shared solar systems that have multiple owners or subscribers, each of which pays for a portion of generation from the shared system.

This policy is only considered enacted if a state fulfills all components of that policy.
Clean Energy Generation 6 components 3 states

Community choice aggregation allows local governments to procure power on behalf of their residents, businesses, and municipal accounts from an alternative supplier while still receiving transmission and distribution service from their existing utility provider.

Clean Energy Generation 0 components 10 states

Energy storage targets establish procurement targets for energy storage systems by a certain date, often with interim targets. Targets can vary from broad megawatt (MW) requirements to more specific mandates that focus on the adoption of certain storage technologies.

Transmission, Distribution, and Energy Storage 0 components 13 states

Interconnection standards create a streamlined, affordable and predictable set of procedures and requirements for connecting new distributed energy resources safely and reliably to the grid.

Transmission, Distribution, and Energy Storage 0 components 37 states

Coal phaseouts establish a target year by which states must end coal-fired power generation.

Coal Retirement 0 components 9 states

Coal securitization is a financing tool that allows utility companies to refinance debt they issued to build coal plants and close the facilities early without taking a financial hit or passing costs on to ratepayers.

Coal Retirement 0 components 8 states

The State Climate Policy Dashboard tracks only passed policies and does not include bills currently proposed in legislative sessions. The website is intended to illustrate the current status of policies for each state, as well as key resources and model states for each policy.

Much of the information contained in this database is derived from the public domain, with links to resources provided. The information provided is made available solely for general information purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Click here for full Terms of Use.

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