New Jersey
Phil Murphy (Democrat)
House Party
Democratic Majority
Senate Party
Democratic Majority
Key Offices & Links
Progress by Policy Area
- Enacted Enacted policies have been passed or established in a state by a governing body via legislation, executive orders, rules, regulations, and/or other program creation, and remain in effect.
- In-progress In progress policies have been established in a state, but final regulations, rules, or plans are pending final approval. This also includes legislation and executive orders that require regulations to be put into effect.
- Partially Enacted Partially enacted policies have been enacted in the state, but are missing one or more policy components. Dashboard policies cannot be considered partially enacted unless policy components are available.
- Not Enacted Not enacted policies have not been passed or established in the state or are no longer in effect.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Projections in New Jersey
Climate Policies in New Jersey
Status | Policy | Policy Area | Policy Category | YR Enacted | |
Enacted |
Empty column
50% by 2030 | 80% by 2050 Relative to 2006 levels Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Climate Governance | 2021 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
80x50 Report Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Climate Governance | 2020 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The 1990-2021 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory was published in March 2024. Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Climate Governance | 2024 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Governor's Office of Climate Action and the Green Economy Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Climate Governance | 2021 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Climate advisory bodies often write or advise on a state's climate plan, and make non-binding recommendations on climate policy design and implementation. The bodies can consist of all non-government members, or be a mix of government and non-government members. |
Climate Governance and Equity
Climate Governance | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
"Overburdened communities" are census block groups where at least 35% of households are low-income, 40% have limited English proficiency, or 40% of residents are minorities or members of a State recognized tribal community. Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | 2020 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Environmental Justice Mapping, Assessment and Protection Tool (EJMAP) NJ Overburdened Communities Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | 2022 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Environmental justice (EJ) community investment requirements help ensure communities most impacted by environmental burdens are benefitting equitably from public programs by requiring a certain percentage of funds and/or benefits from other policies are allocated to EJ communities. |
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
NJDEP – Office of Environmental Justice Environmental Justice Interagency Council (EJIC) Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
Environmental Justice Advisory Council Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | ||
Enacted |
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Requires that, when proposing to locate certain pollution-generating facilities in an overburdened community, an applicant must prepare an EJ impact statement and engage directly with members of their proposed host community by hosting a public hearing; permit applicants must avoid and minimize such stressors, including through the use of added pollution control technology. Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | 2020 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Just transition plans are documents that outline policies and recommendations aimed at supporting communities, workers, and industries affected by the transition away from fossil fuels. The plans often focus on workforce development and retraining, job creation, and economic diversification. |
Climate Governance and Equity
Just Transition | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Just transition offices and staff assist workers and communities transitioning away from fossil fuel extraction and use, typically through retraining programs and support with relocation and economic diversification. Offices and staff also coordinate with other state agencies to effectively design policy to achieve a just transition. |
Climate Governance and Equity
Just Transition | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Just transition advisory bodies write or advise on a state's just transition plan or report, and make recommendations on ways to support affected workers, communities, and industries. The bodies can consist of all non-government members, or be a mix of government and non-government members. |
Climate Governance and Equity
Just Transition | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Just transition funds support initiatives and investments aimed at facilitating the equitable transition of workers and communities affected by shifts in industries or policies that transition from fossil fuels. |
Climate Governance and Equity
Just Transition | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Green banks are public, quasi-public, or non-profit entities that use innovative financing to invest in climate solutions and attract private capital across various economic sectors. |
Climate Finance | ||
Enacted |
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The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) covers the electricity sector. Establishing Policies
Carbon Valuation | 2020 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
The social cost of carbon is a monetary estimate of the damage of each ton of greenhouse gases emitted. The social cost of carbon is used to quantify and monetize climate damages, representing the net economic cost of climate pollution to society. |
Carbon Valuation | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
50% renewable energy by 2030 | 100% clean electricity by 2035 Establishing Policies
Energy Plans and Targets | 2023 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Electricity greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets are set by a state to limit GHG emissions in the electricity sector. These targets aim to reduce emissions by different amounts over time, often expressed as percentage relative to a baseline year. |
Energy Plans and Targets | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
2019 New Jersey Energy Master Plan: Pathway to 2050 Establishing Policies
Energy Plans and Targets | 2020 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The State Policy Opportunity Tracker (SPOT) breaks clean energy policies down into “components”, which are binary questions to evaluate policy quality. Higher quality policies have more of their SPOT components fulfilled. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Clean Energy Generation | ||
Partially Enacted |
Empty column
The State Policy Opportunity Tracker (SPOT) breaks clean energy policies down into “components”, which are binary questions to evaluate policy quality. Higher quality policies have more of their SPOT components fulfilled. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Clean Energy Generation | ||
Partially Enacted |
Empty column
The State Policy Opportunity Tracker (SPOT) breaks clean energy policies down into “components”, which are binary questions to evaluate policy quality. Higher quality policies have more of their SPOT components fulfilled. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Clean Energy Generation | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
New Jersey has an active community choice aggregation program. Establishing Policies
Clean Energy Generation | 2003 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
600 megawatts (MW) of energy storage by 2021 and 2,000 MW by 2030 Establishing Policies
Transmission, Distribution, and Energy Storage | 2018 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
New Jersey received a D grade from Freeing the Grid. Establishing Policies
Transmission, Distribution, and Energy Storage | 2023 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Coal phaseouts establish a target year by which states must end coal-fired power generation. |
Coal Retirement | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Coal securitization is a financing tool that allows utility companies to refinance debt they issued to build coal plants and close the facilities early without taking a financial hit or passing costs on to ratepayers. |
Coal Retirement | ||
Enacted |
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The statewide energy code for residential construction is 2021 IECC. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Codes | 2022 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The statewide energy code for commercial building construction is ASHRAE 90.1-2019. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Codes | 2022 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Stretch building energy codes are an optional, more stringent building code established by the state that local jurisdictions can adopt to require that newly constructed buildings are more efficient than the baseline state codes. |
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Codes | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
The Appliance and Equipment Efficiency Standards apply to 20 products. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Standards | 2022 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Building performance standards establish energy and/or greenhouse gas performance targets for existing buildings in a state. These targets increase in stringency over time, leading to efficiency improvements in buildings to conserve energy and reduce emissions. |
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Standards | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Clean heat standards establish a performance standard requiring heat providers to deliver a gradually-increasing percentage of low-emission heating services to customers. |
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Standards | ||
Enacted |
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Electric utilities are required to achieve energy savings equivalent to 1.31% in 2024, 1.66% in 2025, 2% in 2026, and 2% in 2027. Gas utilities are required to achieve energy savings equivalent to 0.61% in 2024, 0.68% in 2025, 0.75% in 2026, and 0.75% in 2027. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Efficiency | 2023 | |
In-Progress |
Empty column
New Jersey has enacted commercial PACE-enabling legislation and is developing programs. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Efficiency | 2021 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The State Policy Opportunity Tracker (SPOT) breaks clean energy policies down into “components”, which are binary questions to evaluate policy quality. Higher quality policies have more of their SPOT components fulfilled. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Efficiency | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
All-electric buildings policies require new buildings to be constructed with all-electric heating, cooling, and cooking systems to transition away from fossil-fuel use in buildings. |
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Electrification | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
New Jersey LEV Program Establishing Policies
Light-Duty Vehicles | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Model Year (MY) 2027: 43% of new passenger vehicle sales are ZEVs | MY 2030: 68% of new sales are ZEVs | MY 2035: 100% of new sales are ZEVs, with up to 20% being hybrid or hydrogen-powered vehicles. Establishing Policies
Light-Duty Vehicles | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The Charge Up New Jersey program offers rebates up to $4,000 for new battery EVs. Establishing Policies
Light-Duty Vehicles | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Low NOx Omnibus Rules establish stringent tailpipe emission standards for heavy duty vehicles, updated testing procedures, and technology-neutral compliance mechanisms to reduce nitrous oxide (NOx) pollution. The regulation must be adopted first by California, and other states may adopt the regulation under the federal Clean Air Act. |
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
By 2035: 55% of Class 2b-3 truck sales are zero-emissions | 75% of Class 4-8 straight truck sales are zero-emissions | 40% of Class 7-8 tractor sales are zero-emissions. Establishing Policies
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles | 2021 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) electric vehicle rebates consist of programs and policies that offer rebates to make MHD electric vehicles more affordable to increase their adoption in a state. |
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
25% of state-owned non-emergency light duty vehicles are plug-in EVs by 2025 | 100% are plug-in EVs by 2035 Establishing Policies
Lead by Example | 2020 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
10% of new bus purchases by NJ Transit are zero-emission by 2024 | 50% by 2026 | 100% by 2032 Establishing Policies
Lead by Example | 2020 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Requires at least 15% of off-street parking spaces be EV charger-ready ("Make-Ready") in multi-family buildings with 5+ dwellings; within 3 years of the certificate of occupancy, one-third of Make-Ready spaces must have EV supply equipment (EVSE) installed, followed by another one-third within the next 3 years, after which the remaining one-third must have EVSE installed. Establishing Policies
EV Charging Infrastructure | 2021 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Charge Up New Jersey offers rebates of $250 for the purchase and installation of an in-home Level 2 EV charger. It Pay$ to Plug In provides grants for the purchase and maintenance of EV charging stations, up to $750 for Level 1 chargers and $4,000 for Level 2 chargers. Establishing Policies
EV Charging Infrastructure | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
2019 Energy Master Plan Strategies and Goals Establishing Policies
Transportation Plans and Targets | 2019 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Transportation greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets are set by a state to limit emissions in the transportation sector. These targets aim to reduce emissions by specific amounts over time, often expressed as a percentage reduction from a baseline year. |
Transportation Plans and Targets | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
A low carbon fuel standard (LCFS) is a market-based mechanism to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuels and account for the fuel's life cycle greenhouse gas emissions. |
Transportation Plans and Targets | ||
Partially Enacted |
Empty column
New Jersey is ranked 26th out of 50 in the 2024 Bicycle Friendly State rankings by the League of American Bicyclists. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Public and Active Transportation | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Buy clean requirements mandate or incentivize the use of low-carbon construction materials, such as concrete and steel, in public projects to address embodied carbon. |
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
Industrial Decarbonization | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
The state prohibits the sale, lease, rent, or installation of certain equipment or products containing HFCs or other greenhouses gases in the state of New Jersey and requiring manufacturers to disclose HFCs and substitutes in their products. Establishing Policies
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
F-gas Regulations | 2020 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) regulations include phasedown commitments, reporting requirements, bans, or other measures that reduce SF6 usage and emissions. |
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
F-gas Regulations | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Oil and gas methane regulations include phasedown commitments, reporting requirements, leak detection and repair, or other measures that reduce methane emissions from oil and gas production. |
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
Oil and Gas Regulations | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Fracking bans prohibit the practice of hydraulic fracking for the production of oil and/or natural gas by a certain year. Legislation often requires an environmental agency or department to promulgate regulations. |
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
Oil and Gas Regulations | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Landfill methane regulations include rulemakings, emissions monitoring, emissions control, or other measures that reduce methane emissions from decaying organic waste in landfills. |
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
Waste Management | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
Food waste ban – The state requires commercial waste generators to recycle organic materials at authorized food waste recycling facilities, provided they generate at least 52 tons of food waste per year and are within 25 miles of a permitted recycling facility. Establishing Policies
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
Waste Management | 2020 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Agriculture financial incentives support healthy soils and regenerative agriculture. Incentives may include reduced crop insurance premiums, property tax exemptions, grants, or cost-share programs. |
Natural and Working Lands
Agriculture | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Agriculture technical assistance programs provide state-driven technical assistance, apprenticeship and mentorship programs, and support securing additional funding for farmers to increase uptake of soil health practices. |
Natural and Working Lands
Agriculture |