Jared Polis (Democrat)
House Party
Democratic Majority
Senate Party
Democratic Majority
Key Offices & Links
Progress by Policy Area
- Enacted Enacted policies have been passed or established in a state by a governing body via legislation, executive orders, rules, regulations, and/or other program creation, and remain in effect.
- In-progress In progress policies have been established in a state, but final regulations, rules, or plans are pending final approval. This also includes legislation and executive orders that require regulations to be put into effect.
- Partially Enacted Partially enacted policies have been enacted in the state, but are missing one or more policy components. Dashboard policies cannot be considered partially enacted unless policy components are available.
- Not Enacted Not enacted policies have not been passed or established in the state or are no longer in effect.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Projections in Colorado
Climate Policies in Colorado
Status | Policy | Policy Area | Policy Category | YR Enacted | |
Enacted |
Empty column
26% by 2025 | 50% by 2030 | 65% by 2035 | 75% by 2040 | 90% by 2045 | net-zero by 2050 Relative to 2005 levels Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Climate Governance | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Colorado Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Roadmap 2.0 Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Climate Governance | 2024 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The 2005-2020 Greenhouse Gas Inventory was released in November 2024. Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Climate Governance | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Air Pollution Control Division and Air Quality Control Commission Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Climate Governance | 2019 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Climate advisory bodies often write or advise on a state's climate plan, and make non-binding recommendations on climate policy design and implementation. The bodies can consist of all non-government members, or be a mix of government and non-government members. |
Climate Governance and Equity
Climate Governance | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
"Disproportionately impacted communities" are census block groups where over 40% of households are low income or non-Hispanic White, 50% of households are housing cost-burdened, 20% are linguistically isolated, and/or those with a history of environmental racism or cumulative environmental health disparities, measured as the 20% highest scoring census tracts in Colorado EnviroScreen or federally-designated disadvantaged communities; the definition also includes all Tribal lands and Mobile Home Communities. Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | 2024 | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
At least 40% of renewable energy programs, incentives, and direct investments must benefit low-income customers and disproportionately impacted communities. Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | 2021 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
CDPHE – Environmental Justice Ombudsman CDPHE – Environmental Justice team Office of Environmental Justice Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | 2021 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Environmental Justice Advisory Board Environmental Justice Action Task Force Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | 2021 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Oil and gas operators are required to perform a cumulative impacts analysis with each new permit application. Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Environmental Justice and Equity | 2024 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The Office of Just Transition created a Just Transition Action Plan in 2020. The plan provides a brief overview of the major challenges faced by fossil fuel communities and workers, followed by specific strategies and action steps to address these challenges. Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Just Transition | 2020 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Colorado Office of Just Transition Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Just Transition | 2019 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Just Transition Advisory Committee Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Just Transition | 2019 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The Just Transition Cash Fund implements components of Colorado's Just Transition Action Plan. Establishing Policies
Climate Governance and Equity
Just Transition | 2019 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Colorado Clean Energy Fund Establishing Policies
Climate Finance | 2018 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Carbon pollution pricing establishes a pollution fee or cap-and-trade program on the greenhouse gas emissions associated with each sector/source of emissions within the state. Programs typically cover the electricity, buildings, transportation, and/or industrial sectors. |
Carbon Valuation | ||
Enacted |
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The Colorado Public Utilities Commission must consider the social cost of carbon in utility resource planning. Establishing Policies
Carbon Valuation | 2019 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
30% renewable energy by 2020 for investor-owned utilities (IOUs) | 10% or 20% renewable energy by 2020 for munis and coops depending on size | 100% clean energy by 2050 for IOUs serving 500,000 or more customers Establishing Policies
Energy Plans and Targets | 2019 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
46% reduction by 2027 | 80% by 2030 Relative to 2005 levels Establishing Policies
Energy Plans and Targets | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Regulated utilities are required to submit a Clean Energy Plan to reduce emissions 80% below 2005 levels by 2030 and supply 100% clean energy by 2050 Establishing Policies
Energy Plans and Targets | 2019 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The State Policy Opportunity Tracker (SPOT) breaks clean energy policies down into “components”, which are binary questions to evaluate policy quality. Higher quality policies have more of their SPOT components fulfilled. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Clean Energy Generation | ||
Partially Enacted |
Empty column
The State Policy Opportunity Tracker (SPOT) breaks clean energy policies down into “components”, which are binary questions to evaluate policy quality. Higher quality policies have more of their SPOT components fulfilled. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Clean Energy Generation | ||
Partially Enacted |
Empty column
The State Policy Opportunity Tracker (SPOT) breaks clean energy policies down into “components”, which are binary questions to evaluate policy quality. Higher quality policies have more of their SPOT components fulfilled. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Clean Energy Generation | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Community choice aggregation allows local governments to procure power on behalf of their residents, businesses, and municipal accounts from an alternative supplier while still receiving transmission and distribution service from their existing utility provider. |
Clean Energy Generation | ||
Not Enacted |
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Energy storage targets establish procurement targets for energy storage systems by a certain date, often with interim targets. Targets can vary from broad megawatt (MW) requirements to more specific mandates that focus on the adoption of certain storage technologies. |
Transmission, Distribution, and Energy Storage | ||
Enacted |
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Colorado received a C grade from Freeing the Grid. Establishing Policies
Transmission, Distribution, and Energy Storage | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Requires 100% renewable energy by 2040, and does not include energy derived from coal in its definition of renewable electricity. Establishing Policies
Coal Retirement | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Securitization is authorized for coal plant retirement Establishing Policies
Coal Retirement | 2019 | |
Enacted |
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State law requires local jurisdictions to adopt and enforce the 2021 IECC and the Colorado Model Electric Ready and Solar Ready Code upon updating any other building code between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2026. Cities and counties with building codes must adopt the Model Low Energy and Carbon Codes when they update any other building codes after July 1, 2026. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Codes | 2022 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
State law requires local jurisdictions to adopt and enforce the 2021 IECC and the Colorado Model Electric Ready and Solar Ready Code upon updating any other building code between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2026. Cities and counties with building codes must adopt the Model Low Energy and Carbon Codes when they update any other building codes after July 1, 2026. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Codes | 2022 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Any municipality that adopts or updates building codes is also required to adopt or exceed the 2021 IECC. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Codes | 2022 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The Colorado Efficiency Standards for Appliances apply to 20 products. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Standards | 2023 | |
Enacted |
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The Building Performance Colorado program requires buildings greater than 50,000 square feet to reduce emissions 7% by 2026 and 20% by 2030 from a 2021 baseline. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Standards | 2023 | |
Enacted |
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The state requires gas distribution utilities to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 4% by 2025 and 22% by 2030, relative to 2015 levels. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Standards | 2021 | |
Enacted |
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Electric utilities are required to reduce retail system peak demand by 5% by 2028 relative to 2018 levels, and achieve annual energy savings of 440 gigawatt hours (GWh) for 2024-2026. Gas utilities are required to achieve annual energy savings of 814,000 dekatherms (Dth) in 2024, 860,000 Dth in 2025, and 903,000 Dth in 2026. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Efficiency | 2017 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Colorado has enacted commercial PACE-enabling legislation and has active programs. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Efficiency | 2010 | |
Partially Enacted |
Empty column
The State Policy Opportunity Tracker (SPOT) breaks clean energy policies down into “components”, which are binary questions to evaluate policy quality. Higher quality policies have more of their SPOT components fulfilled. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Efficiency | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
All-electric buildings policies require new buildings to be constructed with all-electric heating, cooling, and cooking systems to transition away from fossil-fuel use in buildings. |
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Electrification | ||
Enacted |
Light-Duty Vehicles | 2023 | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
Model Year (MY) 2027: 43% of new passenger vehicle sales are ZEVs | MY 2030: 68% of new sales are ZEVs | MY 2032: 82% of new sales are ZEVs. Establishing Policies
Light-Duty Vehicles | 2023 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Electric vehicle rebates offer rebates to make light-duty electric vehicles more affordable to increase their adoption in a state. |
Light-Duty Vehicles | ||
Enacted |
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The Low NOx Omnibus Rule applies to Model Year 2027 onwards. Establishing Policies
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
By 2035: 55% of Class 2b-3 truck sales are zero-emissions | 75% of Class 4-8 straight truck sales are zero-emissions | 40% of Class 7-8 tractor sales are zero-emissions. Establishing Policies
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The Innovative Truck Tax Credit provides up to $12,000 in a refundable income tax credit for new battery and plug-in hybrid EV trucks and hydrogen fuel cell trucks. Establishing Policies
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Requires that EVs are the default vehicle for all light-duty vehicle purchases by state agencies and departments Establishing Policies
Lead by Example | 2022 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Electric bus procurement targets require that a certain percentage or number of school buses and/or transit buses purchased or leased by the state, transit authorities, and/or school districts must be electric or zero-emissions. |
Lead by Example | ||
Enacted |
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Requires the Energy Code Board to adopt a model electric ready and solar ready code that must include EV Ready and EV Capable requirements for residential and commercial buildings, and additional EV supply equipment (EVSE) installation requirements for multi-family and commercial buildings. Establishing Policies
EV Charging Infrastructure | 2022 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure rebates offer rebates to make the purchase and/or installation costs of EV charging infrastructure more affordable. |
EV Charging Infrastructure | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
2023 Colorado Electric Vehicle Plan Establishing Policies
Transportation Plans and Targets | 2023 | |
Enacted |
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Policy Directive 14.0 (PD-14) performance targets establish a target to reduce transportation greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 60% by 2037, compared to 2005 baseline. The GHG Pollution Reduction Planning Standard requires CDOT and the state’s five Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) to determine the total pollution and GHG emission increase or decrease expected from future transportation projects and to take steps to ensure that GHG emission levels do not exceed set reduction amounts. The standards established 2025, 2030, 2040, and 2050 GHG reduction levels for each regional area. Establishing Policies
Transportation Plans and Targets | 2024 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
A low carbon fuel standard (LCFS) is a market-based mechanism to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuels and account for the fuel's life cycle greenhouse gas emissions. |
Transportation Plans and Targets | ||
Partially Enacted |
Empty column
Colorado is ranked 6th out of 50 in the 2024 Bicycle Friendly State rankings by the League of American Bicyclists. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Public and Active Transportation | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
Public construction projects must meet clear environmental criteria for the use of seven common construction materials, such as cement, glass, and steel. Colorado also has a sales and use tax exemption for low-emission building materials, including green concrete, recycled steel and composite wood products. Establishing Policies
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
Industrial Decarbonization | 2022 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The state prohibits certain HFCs in specific stationary refrigeration and air-conditioning end-uses. Establishing Policies
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
F-gas Regulations | 2020 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The state requires a 20% reduction from 2015 levels by 2030 in industrial and manufacturing emissions, including SF6 emissions. Establishing Policies
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
F-gas Regulations | 2021 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Methane emissions from oil and gas operations must be reduced 60% below 2005 levels by 2030. Oil and gas companies must find and fix methane leaks, and, where necessary, install technologies to limit or prevent emissions. These rules also require semiannual leak detection, tank controls, and performance standards for transmission. Frequent leak detection and repair (LDAR) is also required, and routine methane flaring during maintenance is prohibited. Oil and gas operators must also report their emissions under the Colorado Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule. Establishing Policies
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
Oil and Gas Regulations | 2023 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Fracking bans prohibit the practice of hydraulic fracking for the production of oil and/or natural gas by a certain year. Legislation often requires an environmental agency or department to promulgate regulations. |
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
Oil and Gas Regulations | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Landfill methane regulations include rulemakings, emissions monitoring, emissions control, or other measures that reduce methane emissions from decaying organic waste in landfills. |
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
Waste Management | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Food waste bans and targets include policies that prohibit certain entities that generate specified amounts of food waste (typically commercial businesses and larger institutions) from sending this waste to landfills. Targets aim to reduce total food waste by a certain percentage each target year. |
Industry, Materials, and Waste Management
Waste Management | ||
Enacted |
Empty column
The Colorado Soil Health Program provides financial assistance to help producers improve their soil quality. Establishing Policies
Natural and Working Lands
Agriculture | 2021 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The Colorado Soil Health Program provides technical assistance to enable producers to improve their soil quality. Establishing Policies
Natural and Working Lands
Agriculture | 2021 |