Phil Scott (Republican)
House Party
Democratic Majority
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Democratic Majority
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Progress by Policy Area
- Enacted Enacted policies have been passed or established in a state by a governing body via legislation, executive orders, rules, regulations, and/or other program creation, and remain in effect.
- In-progress In progress policies have been established in a state, but final regulations, rules, or plans are pending final approval. This also includes legislation and executive orders that require regulations to be put into effect.
- Partially Enacted Partially enacted policies have been enacted in the state, but are missing one or more policy components. Dashboard policies cannot be considered partially enacted unless policy components are available.
- Not Enacted Not enacted policies have not been passed or established in the state or are no longer in effect.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Projections in Vermont
Climate Policies in Vermont
Status | Policy | Policy Area | Policy Category | Year Enacted | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The statewide energy code for residential construction is the Vermont 2024 Residential Building Energy Standards. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Codes | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The statewide energy code for commercial building construction is the 2024 Commercial Building Energy Standards, with ASHRAE 90.1-2019 compliance options. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Codes | 2024 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The Vermont Residential Energy Building Standards (RBES) Stretch Code is a building energy code for residential buildings that achieves greater energy savings than the statewide RBES. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Codes | 2024 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
The Energy Efficiency Standards for Appliances and Equipment apply to 23 products. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Standards | 2018 | |
Not Enacted |
Empty column
Building performance standards establish energy and/or greenhouse gas performance targets for existing buildings in a state. These targets increase in stringency over time, leading to efficiency improvements in buildings to conserve energy and reduce emissions. |
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Standards | ||
In-Progress |
Empty column
The Vermont Public Utility Commission submitted draft rules for a Clean Heat Standard to the Vermont General Assembly in January 2025, which now require approval by the legislature to move forward. In the report, the PUC noted that, while feasible, a clean heat standard may not be well-suited for Vermont because of its regulatory complexity, and offered possible alternatives to lawmakers, including a fuel tax on heating fuels to subsidize existing thermal efficiency programs. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Standards | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Electric utilities are required to achieve energy savings equivalent to 204,000 megawatt hours (MWh) for 2024-2026. Gas utilities are required to achieve energy savings equivalent to 381,300 million British thermal units (MMBtu) for 2024-2026. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Efficiency | 2023 | |
Enacted |
Empty column
Vermont has enacted residential PACE-enabling legislation, but does not have an active program. Establishing Policies
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Efficiency | 2009 | |
Partially Enacted |
Empty column
The State Policy Opportunity Tracker (SPOT) breaks clean energy policies down into “components”, which are binary questions to evaluate policy quality. Higher quality policies have more of their SPOT components fulfilled. Establishing Policies
Policy Components
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Efficiency | ||
Not Enacted |
Empty column
All-electric buildings policies require new buildings to be constructed with all-electric heating, cooling, and cooking systems to transition away from fossil-fuel use in buildings. |
Buildings and Efficiency
Building Electrification |