Buildings and Efficiency

Buildings and Efficiency

Buildings and efficiency policies aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from commercial and residential buildings. Policies in this sector reduce direct combustion of fossil fuels on-site, as well as reduce energy consumption through efficiency measures. Comprehensive buildings and efficiency policies must address energy use in both existing and newly constructed buildings, and include a suite of codes, standards, efficiency programs, and financial incentives.

A collection of buildings form a skyline in front of a blue sky


Buildings and Efficiency Policies
Across 4 categories
Policy Policy Category Components Enacted

Residential energy codes are statewide building codes that dictate the energy performance requirements of newly constructed residential buildings.

Building Codes 0 components 41 states

Commercial energy codes are statewide building codes that dictate the energy performance requirements of newly constructed commercial buildings.

Building Codes 0 components 41 states

Stretch building energy codes are an optional, more stringent building code established by the state that local jurisdictions can adopt to require that newly constructed buildings are more efficient than the baseline state codes.

Building Codes 0 components 8 states

Appliance standards set minimum energy and water conservation requirements for appliances and equipment.

Building Standards 0 components 19 states

Building performance standards establish energy and/or greenhouse gas performance targets for existing buildings in a state. These targets increase in stringency over time, leading to efficiency improvements in buildings to conserve energy and reduce emissions.

Building Standards 0 components 2 states

Clean heat standards establish a performance standard requiring heat providers to deliver a gradually-increasing percentage of low-emission heating services to customers.

Building Standards 0 components 2 states

Energy efficiency resource standards (EERS) establish targets and deadlines for utilities to reduce electricity demand through efficiency or "demand side" programs.

Building Efficiency 0 components 30 states

Property assessed clean energy (PACE) allows residential and/or commercial property owners to finance efficiency upgrades with loans tied to the property.

Building Efficiency 0 components 35 states

Weatherization funding provides financial assistance to homeowners/tenants for home repairs and improvements to insulation, appliances, windows and lighting.

This policy is only considered enacted if a state fulfills all components of that policy.
Building Efficiency 4 components 5 states

All-electric buildings policies require new buildings to be constructed with all-electric heating, cooling, and cooking systems to transition away from fossil-fuel use in buildings.

Building Electrification 0 components 3 states

The State Climate Policy Dashboard tracks only passed policies and does not include bills currently proposed in legislative sessions. The website is intended to illustrate the current status of policies for each state, as well as key resources and model states for each policy.

Much of the information contained in this database is derived from the public domain, with links to resources provided. The information provided is made available solely for general information purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Click here for full Terms of Use.

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